The Astral Metaverse

Let’s imagine this Earth as a numerical map, and each geographic place can have its own numerical signature wich is connected to another geographic place by a distance in kilometer or meter. In this example « Galerie Bab rouah » is connected to : « Nouveau boucher » by a 1,00 km. We use GOOGLE EARTH  as a tool […]

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Astral Projection as a Weapon

In deep hypnosis, good visualisation can help us make our goals come true. The realm of imagination is literally the quantum world where atoms, electrons and light codes become dense enough to materialize in the 3rd dimension aka the material world. The astral realm is the land of the quantum world by excellence also known […]

Lire la suite Astral Projection as a Weapon

Les Flammes Jumelles

L’encontre de son jumeau astral ne peut se faire que si on prend d’abord de conscience de notre existence astrale. Lever ses vibrations en dessus des vibrations d’une personne lambda de ce Monde, sera la chose basique pour pouvoir se détacher des ondes trois dimensionnels et pouvoir vibrer et encore attirer les ondes, créatures et […]

Lire la suite Les Flammes Jumelles